Rowing Machine Review


Saturday, December 1, 2007

How to Use a Rowing Machine

Warm up, cool down and exercises that can be and need to be done while using a rowing machine. Rowing Machines are great way to get a good cardiovascular and aerobic workout. When getting ready to use your Rowing Machine you need to start out with some simple stretches limbering up, then get on your machine and start slowly for at least 5 to 10 minutes until your body is ready to begin. You and your doctor can decide how long you need to warm up. Once you have given yourself plenty of time to warm up, begin your work out slowly.

After working out for your allotted time, which is normally 30 minutes to an hour, begin slowing down. You do not want to jump off of your machine. Slowly work yourself to a more relaxed state. This is not only important for your heart but also to make sure your body has the time it needs to adjust from a strenuous workout to resting. After you are done slowly working your way down, get off of your machine and start stretching make sure to stretch your entire body. This helps to keep you from cramping up.

Many recommend taking a warm shower afterwards as well, as this continues to loosen your tightened muscles. No matter how many times you have used your Rowing Machine it is equally important to work you’re way into and out of it.

When using the Rowing Machine you need to have Proper adjustment and Grip, having the foot straps properly tightened, your back straight and bend using your hips, then grip the handles loosely. Your hips and legs muscles do not use your back; this is how many novice users get hurt.

Proper warming up and down techniques are important and necessary for any exercise routine including one using a Rowing Machine.

Want more information on how to use a rowing machine? Then visit our web site!

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